all postcodes in LS12 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS12 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS12 3AA 25 11 53.796636 -1.591904
LS12 3AB 16 13 53.797356 -1.589574
LS12 3AE 1 1 53.79684 -1.591173
LS12 3AG 12 1 53.797718 -1.587567
LS12 3AH 9 0 53.797701 -1.58839
LS12 3AJ 6 0 53.797522 -1.599505
LS12 3AP 5 2 53.798253 -1.588898
LS12 3AQ 27 10 53.797656 -1.587871
LS12 3AS 3 0 53.798694 -1.589868
LS12 3AX 16 0 53.79832 -1.590233
LS12 3AY 2 0 53.798092 -1.589889
LS12 3AZ 2 0 53.798047 -1.58989
LS12 3BA 18 1 53.798374 -1.590293
LS12 3BG 37 22 53.793448 -1.59584
LS12 3BH 1 0 53.793657 -1.595971
LS12 3BL 7 7 53.794356 -1.59812
LS12 3BN 34 0 53.796529 -1.5954
LS12 3BW 66 0 53.797226 -1.604378
LS12 3BX 13 0 53.794763 -1.601516
LS12 3DF 12 0 53.79416 -1.601325